The Night Before War
The Night Before War
This two part set was recorded live at ZHdK Mehrspur club on 23. Feb 2022 (the night before the Russian invasion of Ukraine). In the first Rencontre Musicale as part of the Generator concert series, students from the fields of jazz/pop, electroacoustic composition and composition for film, theatre and media and others come together. They are united by their interest in electronics and improvisation and their curiosity to explore - or create - unknown musical terrains. The Generator concert series is a laboratory for electro-acoustic music and new media, organised by ICST. The platform provides to musicians, composers and artists the space to experiment with music, electronics and new media.
Fabio Andres - Synth
Raúl Castro Estévez - Klarinette & Elektronik
Sascha Jösler - Synth
Felix Niggli - Trompete & Elektronik
Madli Marje Sink - Präpariertes Klavier & Elektronik
Giovanni Vicari - Gitarre & Elektronik
Samuel Müller - Ton