The Machine

The Machine

The Machine is what Bhāskara calls their bandroom setup. It's quite an expansive setup so there is a small presentation below explaining it a bit. This is only a snapshot in time of the always evolving Machine which has since changed already. One of the highlights that will soon be getting a revamp is the central Max/MSP multichannel quadraphonic mixer. Controllable via multiple iPads simultaneously it has basic mixing functions like dynamic routing to effects-chains but also some special features like dynamic quad-panning effects with visual feedback on the iPads. Each mono or stereo source's spacial information was given by following parameters:

  • distance (from center point)

  • spread (space between the stereo or doubled mono channels

  • rotation (around the center)

  • focus (size of each sound source)

These parameters can be modulated at free speeds or synced (to the main setup midi-clock) in three methods:

  • wave (linear movement with amount and angle controls)

  • rotate (circular motion, CW or CCW)

  • random (with option between smooth or stepped modulation of the spread, rotation and distance parameters)

Other top features are an entire modular Eurorack system used equally as a sound source via its own stereo input and an audio processor in one of the FX-chains.

Hear The Machine in action over at Bhāskara

Bhāskara Setup Presentation

Rough signal flow of The Machine