Electric Windchimes
Electric Windchimes
The Electric Windchimes are a human interface device I created as a new instrument for musical expression based on an old modified computer keyboard, a doorbell, some wood and a few wires. The software side consists of a Max/MSP patch and a neural network based system for patching input features to output parameters (Wekinator). Two dangling wires when manipulated to touch each other create signals which then can be used to control parameters of connected electric instruments.
Zurich Loudspeaker Orchestra
The Zurich Loudspeaker Orchestra is a set-up of different loudspeakers. This 32-channel loudspeaker orchestra is played via a console interface that allows the control of individual loudspeakers. The loudspeaker disposition attempts to create virtual and artificial spaces which are complemented by real places and spaces. Electro-acoustic music is "devirtualised" and thus acquires a corporeality and physicality.
Electric Windchimes improvisation
Sound Director: Philip Tschiemer